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1. Chief Coordinator
a) To assist the Principal in promoting extra-curricular activities of the school.
b) To evaluate the present activities to see whether they can cater for the needs of the students.
c) To keep up-dated records of all Clubs/Societies/ Houses or school activities for retention and reference.
d) The Chief Coordinator will be responsible for supervising and organizing various activities for the whole school, such as post-examination activities etc.
e) To chair the ECA Committee Meeting
f ) To coordinate all extra-curricular activities and Clubs/Houses activities of the school.
g) To supervise the Clubs/Societies/ Houses in budgeting and financial control.
h) To represent the school to communicate with external institutions.
i ) To call the meeting for all the teacher-in-charges of Clubs and Societies.
j ) To call the House Warden Meeting.
k) To review all club activities reports and financial reports and hand them to the Principal.
l ) To prepare the ECA monthly reports and hand to the Principal.
2. Assistant Coordinator
a) To assist the Chief Coordinator especially on his absence.
b) To assist the Chief Coordinator in promoting extra-curricular activities of the school.
c) To evaluate the present activities to see whether they can cater for the needs of the students and discuss with the Chief Coordinator.
d) To keep up-dated records of all Clubs/Societies/Houses.
e) The Assistant Coordinator will be responsible for organizing various activities for the whole school , such as post-examination activities etc..
f) To collect and check for the completion of student activities record sheets.
g) To coordinate all extra-curricular activities and Clubs/Houses of the school.
h) To supervise the Clubs/Socities/House in budgeting and financial control.
i) To keep all record in connection with extra-curricular activities/clubs.
j) To review all clubs activities reports and financial reports and hand them to the Chief Coordinator.
k) To prepare the E.C.A. monthly reports and hand them to the Chief Co-ordinator.
3. School Functions Coordinator
a) To provide the organizer of various E.C.A. committee approved inter-school activities with technical advise and support.
b) To organize various inter-school competitions or activities.
c) To organize various intra-school activities, such as school picnic, post-examination activities etc.
d) To keep good records of the internal and external activities information and results.
e) To up-date the information on the ECA Notice Boards.
f) To attend the ECA Committee Meeting
4. Houses Coordinator
a) To coordinate and organize meetings for the House Wardens.
b) To organize the Installation of School perfect/House Committee Member.
c) To organize various inter-house activities.
d) To assist in the preparation and running of the inter-house activates.
e) To keep good record of the inter-house competition information and results.
f) To attend the ECA Committee Meeting.
g) To attend the SA Meeting.
5. Clubs / Societies Coordinator
a) To keep up-dated records of all clubs/societies or school activities for retention and reference.
b) To coordinate all extra-curricular activities of all clubs/ societies.
c) To supervise the clubs/societies in budgeting and financial control.
d) To call and chair the meetings for all the chairmen of clubs/societies.
e) To review all club activities reports and financial reports and hand them to the ECA Chief Coordinator.
f) To arrange meeting and activity places for all clubs/societies.
g) To help to arrange the students into activity groups.
h) To attend the ECA Committee Meeting.
i) To attend the club/ society advisers'meeting.
6. ECA Committee Student Helper
a) To up-date the information on the ECA Notice Boards.
b) To assist the ECA Committee in promoting extra-curricular activities.
7. Duties of Advisers of Student Association (SA)
a) The Advisers should have a full supervision on the smooth running of the SA.
b) To supervise and regulate the arrangement of activities held by the SA.
c) To ensure that the organization of SA's functions is in line with the overall direction of school development.
d) To avoid SA functions from clashing with the school objectives.
e) To supervise the election of Executive Committee members.
f) To give opinion to Executive Committee on the running of SA and to arouse their enthusiasm in their work.
g) To advise and supervise Executive Committee members when they carry out their duties.
8. Duties of House Wardens, Vice House Wardens and Advisers
a) The Wardens should have a full supervision on the smooth running of the House.
b) The Wardens should encourage the Advisers to share equally the work as listed in the Year Plan proposed by the school or as decided in the House Meeting.
c) The Wardens should compile and process whatever statistics as may be required by the school for record purpose.
d) The Wardens and Advisers should encourage students' participation in the House activities or competitions.
e) The Wardens should call the Annual General Meeting and prepare the agenda for that meeting.
f) The Wardens and Advisers should help and advise the Committee members.
g) The Wardens should arrange the advisors to take charge of certain work such as singing contest rehearsal.
h) To create a spirit of unity among students so that they can be co-operative members of the House.
9. Duties of Club/Society Advisers
a) To supervise the running of a Club/Society.
b) To encourage students' participation in the Club/Society activities.
c) To create a spirit of unity among students so that they can be co-operative members of the club/society.
d) To help the students to elect committee members in the first General Meeting. The first General Meeting of a Club/Society should be held within the second month of a new academic year.
e) To help and advise the committee members.
f) Giving opinion to committee members and to arouse their enthusiasm in their work.
g) To advise and to supervise committee members when they carry out their duties.
h) To observe the regulations on using school premises and to book venue for any special function/meeting run by the club/society.
i) To attend the club/society advisers' meetings.
1. Records to be Submitted:
All teachers-in-charge of Clubs, Societies or Houses are required to submit the followings to the ECA Coordinator on schedules:
1.1 at the beginning of the school year
a) Survey of Extra-Curricular Activities, ECA 1
b) E.C.A. Annual Plan, ECA 2
c) Annual Budget, ECA 3
d) Member List, ECA 4
e) Duties Allocation Form, ECA 11
1.2 during the school year
a) Monthly Report, ECA 10
(This form should reach the ECA Committee 3 days before the end of each month.)
1.3 at the end of the school year
a) Attendance and Performance Record, ECA 5
b) Financial Report, ECA 6
c) Annual Evaluation Report, ECA 7
d) Resources Record Form, ECA 8
e) Minutes, ECA 9
f) Records for each outing, ECA 20 to ECA 24 ( if any ).
2. Records to be kept:
2.1 Each Club, Society or House should keep the forms
a) ECA 1 to ECA 12 (if any),
b) Records for each outing, ECA 20 to ECA 24 ( if any ).
3. Membership:
3.1 All students will be allocated to one of the four houses, namely the Red House, the Yellow House, the Blue House and the Purple House.
3.2 Every student is allowed to join at most 2 clubs. (F.1 and F.2 students must join at least one club/society or school team)
3.3 Students are advised to choose their clubs carefully. Transferring to or dropping out of clubs are discouraged. Only in special circumstances will transfer to or dropping out of members are allowed upon prior approval of the teacher-in-charge and the Chief Co-ordinator.
4. Structure of Clubs, Societies and Houses:
4.1 To promote the leadership ability of the students.
Each club/society or House should have a Chairman, a Vice-chairman, an Secretary, an Treasurer and one or more committee members if necessary. (e.g. Recreation Secretary )
5. Finance:
* 5.1 Charges on membership fee of Houses are $8 each.
5.2 Charges on membership of Clubs and Societies are not allowed.
5.3 Following the purchase of any item , the teachers-in-charge should keep all the bills and claims from the school via the Chief Co-ordinator as soon as possible.
5.4 Clear Financial Record is necessary. Please refer to " ECA Financial Regulations "
6. Regular Meeting:
6.1 Teachers are required to take the attendance of the students on form ECA 5.
6.2 For every regular activity, the teacher concerned should stay in school before the dismissal of the students . He/she should check that the place is in good order and the borrowed facilities returned intact. Wandering of students inside the school premises is not allowed after the activity.
6.3 For clubs/societies, all regular meetings should be held on the assigned activity days (normally each Day 6). The minimum number of meetings in an academic year is 6. (The first AGM is not included.)
7. Student Committee Meeting of Houses:
7.1 Meetings should be held at least twice each school term.
8. Room & Equipment Reservation:
8.1 Teachers are requested to make reservation for rooms and equipment needed for any meeting and special functions at the office in advance.
9. Guest Invitation:
9.1 To invite guests speakers or instructors, teacher-in- charge must first obtain the approval of the Principal and letter of invitation must be sent through the Principal. The ECA Coordinator, the Discipline co-ordinator or other teachers concerned should be informed of the detail of the event.
10. Competition with Outsiders:
10.1 When matches or competitions are to be arranged with other school(s) or organization(s), teacher-in -charge should receive permission from the school first, if other parties are invited to our school there should be formal letters of invitation. They should be able to produce documents for identification.
11. Outdoor Activities:
11.1 Make your application at least 20 SCHOOL DAYS in advance.
11.2 Refer to the "安排校外活動應注意事項" for detail.
12. Letters to Parents:
12.1 Teacher-in-charge should inform the parents of their children's participation in particular club/society be the use of form ECA 24 ( Parent Letter for activity/ outing).
12.2 Teacher-in-charge should inform the parents of their children's after- school meeting or the cancellation of any meeting.
12.3 The letters to parents can be obtained in the office.
12.4 All the return slips should be kept until the end of the school year.
13. Award of the ECA:
13.1 An Award of the ECA will be given to the students who have shown enthusiastic participation in the school activities.
14. Changes in the particulars of Activities:
14.1 The office should be informed of any changes in the particulars of activities, such as cancellation/ postponement.
(一) 學生會( STUDENT ASSOCIATION )職位:(中六學生八名)
1. 會長( Chairman ): | 1人(F.6) | |
2. 副會長( Vice Chairman ): | 1人(F.6) | |
3. 文書( Secretary ): | 1人(F.6) | |
4. 財政( Treasurer ): | 1人(F.6) | |
5. 總務( General Affairs Officer ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
6. 宣傳及推廣總幹事( Publicity ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
幹事助理:3人(F.2至F.4) | ||
7. 福利總幹事( Welfare ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
幹事助理:3人(F.2至F.4) | ||
8. 服務總幹事( Social Service ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
幹事助理:3人(F.2至F.4) | ||
9. 活動總幹事( Activity ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
幹事助理:3人(F.2至F.4) | ||
10.體育總幹事( Sports ): | 1人(F.3, F.4或F.6) | |
幹事助理:3人(F.2至F.4) |
* 學生會幹事由八名中六學生組成,但不能同時出任領袖生或社幹事。
(二) 四社( HOUSE )職位:
1. 社長( House Captain ): | 1人(F.6) |
2. 副社長( Vice House Captain ): | 1人 |
3. 文書( Secretary ): | 1人 |
4. 財政( Treasurer ): | 1人 |
(三) 學會( SOCIETY )職位:
1.主席( Chairman ): | 1人 |
2. 副主席( Vice Chairman ): | 1人 |
3. 文書( Secretary ): | 1人 |
4. 財政( Treasurer ): | 1人 |
(1) 英文學會、中文學會、數學學會及該年舉行學科週的學會 (最多中六學生三名)
(2) 其他學會、興趣小組、服務性團體及紀律性團體(最多中六學生二名)
1. 學會即包括所有學術性小組、興趣小趣、服務性團體、紀律性團體、合唱團及各體育校隊。
2. 中一至中二級學生每學年必須參加最少一個學會,並以不超過兩個為限。中三或以上學生則毋須強行參加,如欲參加,則以不超過兩個學會為限。
3. 但學生欲參與兩個學會,必須填寫表格向本組提出申請,經本組審核批准後,始能參加第二個學會。
4. 學生必須出席學會之常規性活動,若有要事不能出席者,須在當日午膳或之前,向學會負責老師申請及填寫請假紙。無故缺席者將被扣操行分,並通知家長。其後仍不改 善者,將由課外活動組決定是否停止該生參加該學會。而該生所參加之活動亦不列於成績表上,並於成績表課外活動一欄印上「該生經常缺席課外活動」。而活動期間, 行為態度惡劣者得依校規予以紀律處分。
5. 請假細則:
5.1 學生若有要事不能出席活動,須於當日午膳或之前,填寫附有家長或監護人簽署之請假紙,送呈學會負責老師核准。如理由不充份者,校方將不予批准。
5.2 學生因病沒有上課而不能出席活動,須於翌日向學會負責老師呈交家長或監護人簽署之請假紙,並說明病由。
6. 未得校方准許,學生不得隨意轉會或退會。
7. 課外活動時間,即「活動日」為每循環週六(DAY6)3:35PM--4:35PM
8. 「活動日」當日各個課室祗借予各學會舉行集會之用。
1. 策劃及推行其負責學會或小組之全年活動,全年計劃須於十一月第一個星期或之前呈交課外活動組審閱,再交由校長批核。(合唱團及體育校隊除外)
2. 每循環週六第八節後為全校課外活動時間-「活動日」,導師安排活動時間最少為一小時。請勿縮減時間。服務、紀律、合唱團及體育校隊導師則可就學校場地而另行安排活動日期及時間,惟於非「活動日」舉行之活動,則沒有優先權。
3. 各學會須於學年初自行宣傳及招收基本會員,名額與校方商定。
4. 合唱團及體育校隊之負責老師則須於學年初選拔其成員。
5. 中、英、數三大學會全年必須舉辦最少一項有關該學會之大型活動,供不同級別學生參加。
6. 各學會全年常規活動最少舉行六次,惟第一次會員大會不包括在內。
7. 協助學生成立幹事會以推行活動。
8. 每次集會均須點名,並記錄活動情況及出席人數,及由該活動導師負責跟進學生缺席事宜;如有需要,可根據程序轉介予課外活動組。
9. 請嚴格執行下列程序以處理學生缺席問題:
9.1 學生若有要事不能出席活動,須於當日午膳或之前,填寫附有家長或監護人簽署之請假紙,送呈學會負責老師核准。如理由不充份者,校方將不予批准。
9.2 學生因病沒有上課而不能出席活動,須於翌日向學會負責老師呈交家長或監護人簽署之請假紙,並說明病由。
9.3 學生請假如不依手續辦理者,視作無故缺席論。
9.4 學生無故缺席課外活動,導師可先給予口頭警告或以學生手冊通知家長。
9.5 若仍無故缺席課外活動,可提交個案予課外活動組依校規扣操行分,並通知家長。
9.6 如最後仍不改善,課外活動組可停止其參加該組活動,而該生所參加之活動亦不列於成績表上,並於成績表課外活動一欄印上「該生經常缺席課外活動」。
10. 活動日期或時間如有更改,請於早會宣佈及到課外活動報告板更正,以便同學查閱,惟盡量避免更改活動日期。
11. 導師如因重要事故未能帶領課外活動,必須事先通知課外活動主任及校方,並安排補回有關活動。
12. 課外活動時間,即「活動日」為每循環週六(DAY6)3:35pm-4:35pm。
13. 「活動日」當日各個課室祗借予各學會舉行集會之用。