

Discipline work is the starting point for a better campus life.


General Direction

To enable students to move from passive compliance to spontaneous compliance.



1. Put emphases on "discipline" and "teaching", while "teaching" is more important than "discipline";

2. Put emphases on order and discipline;

3. Handle misbehaviours fairly and strictly.



1. To guide students to distinguish between right and wrong, and to establish correct moral concepts and values;

2. To cultivate students' sense of belonging, discipline and responsibility to the school;

3. Foster students’ self-development, personal growth, self-esteem and self-discipline;

4. Cultivate students' sense of community, social awareness, spirit of cooperation and service ideals;

5. Correct students' wrong concepts, living habits and behaviours;

6. Nourish students' motivation for kindness in order for their good nature to be valued;

7. Lead all teachers to promote positive discipline: patience coaching, guidance with caring and positive reinforcement so as to motivate students to develop virtues and a well-rounded personality.

8. Establish mutual trust with parents through communication and cooperation so as to facilitate students to develop good behaviors and habits.

Scope of work

1. Establish and implement a reward system (Merit, Service Award and Outstanding Service Award);

2. Complete student survey reports and prepare various Discipline Committee related official documents;

3. Implement related computer program system writing, analysis and improvement; compile, print and distribute the students' learning and conduct monthly report;

4. Gather opinions from teachers and students on the work of the Committee;

5. Establish student lockers regulations and supervise students’ use of lockers;

6. Arrange fire drills and drills for detection of strange odour (including unidentified odour) regularly;

7. Handle students’ misbeviours. Count and release student attendance records;

8. Arrange assemblies (including morning assemblies, hall assemblies and all special assemblies);

9. Supervise the work of monitors, students-on-duty and classroom inspectors;

10. Establish a prefect team with self-confidence and good leadership skills;

11.Organize preventive work (e.g. competitions on discipline, cleaning, punctuality; topic explorations, board decorations, talks, etc.).

12. Implement and keep records of students' late arrival, clothing and grooming conduct mark deduction;

13. Assist in planning special activities such as F.1 orientation programme, school re-open day, sports day, parents’ day, graduation ceremony, etc., and maintain students’ discipline.